Wednesday, September 21, 2016

 Ways Men Are Killing
Their Sperm

More and more men are finding it hard to produce
these days . It is not that they are not sweating
enough , or that they are “ unhealthy ” , but
something is wrong . Though other factors
contribute, damaged sperm is a major reason for
many a couple ’ s infertility issues .
In many cases , the man ’ s weapon may be the
reason for losing the childbearing war.
Researchers have shown that a man ’ s lifestyle
can affect the quality and quantity of his sperm,
hence fertility issues .
Anyway , here are some ways men unwittingly
cause the damage :

1.-  Leaving stress unattended to . A man who is
always stressed , maybe due to overworking , is
inadvertently killing his swimmers. Every body
function, including sperm production , is affected
by stress. Researchers found out that men with
anxiety issues tend to have abnormally shaped
sperm and sperm with mobility issues . Now , an
immobile sperm is useless because they have to
swim far to marry an egg for conception .

2 – Drinking too much. Alcohol is a big enemy of
sperm. In fact , the British Medical Journal
suggests that having as little as five drinks
(alcohol ) weekly can ‘ adversely affect ’ to Fluid
quality .

3 – Smoking too much. Blowing the smoke
always has a negative impact on sperm quality.
However , a researcher says , once a man quits ,
his system immediately starts generating
healthier sperm.

4 – Piling up extra weight . Being fit has a lot of
advantages . Being fat lowers sperm production
and can cause erectile dysfunction (ED ) or
impotence ? Losing just a little amount of weight
can help .

5 – Staying too much in hot areas. Being exposed
to too much heat regularly has dire consequences
for a man’ s sperm. A welder for example might
be at risk . A man’ s private part region needs to be
cooler than the other parts of the body , not hotter .

6 – Always carrying a phone in the front pocket .
Studies have shown that there is the radiation a
mobile phone emits so close to the scrotal area
causes as much a 9 % drop in live sperm per Fluid
sample . So it better to hold the phone or carry it in
a case or, at worse , the back pocket.
If you have hopes of getting a child in the future,
now might be a time to be conscious of your
lifestyle , instead of worrying later.
Alcohol , fat, smoking, stress and all the other
factors must be monitored .

Your Health is your Wealth.