Friday, October 23, 2015

  • Don't Be Left Out

  • Stay Away from Diabetes

  • Choice of Healthy Eaters

  • No 1 Product

  • It's Time To Switch

  • No Risk of Cholesterol

Tough on Diabetes
Tough on Cholesterol
Improved Blood Pressure Levels
Everyone is switching over from Pounded Yam, Garri,
Semo, Wheat, etc to the NEW and healthier alternative

  Diabetes-Breakthrough for Nigerians

This is the breakthrough every Nigerian's been waiting for!

At last, we've found you a new way to continue to enjoy your favourite Nigerian soup-dishes, without the well known associated risks of deadly Cholesterol, and the inevitable gradual Diabetes Build-Up. Everyone is switching to Elkris SuperOat.

Diabetes in Nigeria is set to top the list of causes of deaths arising from non-communicable diseases, by 2015 - Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria.

According to recent publications, "Diabetes has reached an epidemic proportion in Nigeria and has resulted in the premature death of thousands of Nigerians, in addition to permanent disabilities like blindness, amputation of limbs, impotence, kidney failures, still births, pregnancy wastages, etc." - Diabetes Association of Nigeria (DAN)

W.H.O. statistics also show that 60 per cent of deaths in Nigeria are now caused by chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hearth failures.

"In Nigeria, with over 140 million people (2006 census), an estimated six million people have full blown diabetes mellitus." - Diabetes Association of Nigeria (DAN)

Here's How The Specially Fortified Beta-Glucan Present in Elkris Super-Oat Helps to Control Diabetes in Diabetic Patients OR Protect the Non-Diabetic & Pre-diabetes General Population, long term!

We further increased the amount of Beta Glucan in Elkris SuperOat. This means Elkris Super-Oat contains twice the amount of the Beta Glucan found in regular oats. Wheat is good for diabetic patients because it has more fibre content than garri, pounded yam, fufu, akpu, etc. And that's where it ends! Wheat is not in the same category with Elkris SuperOat. Wheat does not provide any other scientific mechanism for helping to regulate your blood sugar levels in your digestive system.

But Elkris Super-Oat on the other hand contains another fibre apart from the insoluble fibre which is also present in wheat. The exclusive special fibre found in Elkris Super-Oat is called soluble fibre (aka beta-glucan). But this beta glucan found in whole oats is even further enriched in our Elkris Super-Oat so as to deliver an even more tangible result in the area of diabetes and cholesterol. The beta glucan acts to ensure that the carbohydrate (glucose, sugar) content from your food is converted into energy and only released into your blood stream slowly bit by bit throughout the rest of the day; such that your body will never experience any spike in blood sugar levels. It is a proven scientific process which has been established and confirmed by tens upon tens of researches; including bodies such as America FDA, European EFSA, and research laboratories across the globe.

This is how beta glucan manages to help to control the release of glucose in your system;

1 - The Beta Glucan Acts To Thicken The Outer Layer Of Your Intestine:
Scientists and researchers observed that because soluble fibre (beta glucan) dissolves in water and forms a thick gel, the thick gel rubs off on the wall of the intestine and in the process helps to thicken the wall of the intestine which is meant to absorb nutrients into the body. The resultant effect of this thicken wall is that "the process of absorbing glucose into the blood stream (blood glucose) is drastically slowed down to normal levels of glucose energy requirement for your body, at a time."
2 - It was further noticed that after beta glucan has dissolved in water
, it traps nutrients (including glucose) inside its gel. The gel coating is believed to inhibit and slow the action of enzymes on starch or sugar nutrients. Consequently, glucose known as blood sugar is absorbed into the blood stream much more slowly; thereby preventing every form of spike in blood glucose typically experienced by diabetic patients after meal. Fewer spikes in blood glucose eventually lead to greater sensitivity to the action of insulin. Avoiding high peaks and low valleys in blood glucose places less stress on the pancreas which is important not only to diabetics but also to those who want to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Pre-Diabetes And Non-Diabetes Populace: Adopting Elkris Super-Oat as your regular carbohydrate is a sure way to protect yourself against diabetes, long term. Why wait to be warned.

Bringing Down Cholesterol in Nigeria!

Elkris has joined the Fight to Bring down Cholesterol levels in Nigeria. That's because; the beta glucan in Elkris SuperOat is clinically proven to help mop up cholesterol content from your meals (in your digestive system) thereby preventing same from pouring into your blood stream.

Are you a Nigerian and still wonders what Cholesterol is? Well, here are a few descriptions that may help to paint a picture of the ugly face of Cholesterol in our society. - the high blood pressure population of Nigeria - the Nigerian population who are casualties of STROKE - and the victims of heart diseases, heart attack and heart failure

Most Nigerian meals especially soup dishes are laden with saturated oil - cholesterol. Unknowing to most of us, each meal you are consuming may be contributing to your cholesterol build up on the inside without knowing This is How You Body's Cholesterol Builds up

The cholesterol in your blood stream comes from two sources;

  • Your liver manufactures and supplies about 75-80% of your total blood cholesterol.
  • The rest comes from the food you eat, which is then absorbed into your blood stream through your intestine.

But what you may not know is that high and dangerous cholesterol levels are usually due to this extra 20-25% that comes from our food. But that's where the beta glucan in Elkris Super-Oat helps to make the difference. The beta glucan in Elkris SuperOat acts on the cholesterol content in your meal by blocking and preventing the 20-25% cholesterol which comes from your meal, from entering into your blood stream. On the basis of the cholesterol produced by your liver alone, you are almost guaranteed healthy cholesterol levels, every-time. That's how Elkris plays a major role in helping you to get to and retain healthy cholesterol levels.

This is How the Beta Glucan in Elkris SuperOat Works To Lower Your Cholesterol The extra fortified beta glucan in Elkris Super-Oat will first dissolve in your digestive system and form a thick gel-like substance. And like a soft sponge, the gel-like soluble fibre (a.k.a beta-glucan) has a way of surgically selecting and soaking up the saturated fat (cholesterol) content in your intestine thereby preventing it from being absorbed into the blood stream. The spongy gel is finally passed out of the body as waste.

One other way that soluble fibre helps to lower your blood cholesterol is through its ability to reduce the amount of bile reabsorbed into your blood stream from the intestine. It works like this; when fibre interferes with absorption of bile in the intestines, the bile is excreted together with your body waste. And to make up for this loss of bile, the liver will then need to produce more bile-salts. But what you may not have realised is that your liver uses part of your bad cholesterol in order to make more bile-salts. That means; the more bile-salts that are produced by your liver, the more of the bad cholesterol known as LDL that are removed from your blood stream.

Recent studies suggest that there's one more way that beta-glucan helps to lower your blood cholesterol. It is believed that a fatty acid produced during the fermentation of soluble fibre while in the large intestine helps to reduce the amount of blood cholesterol produced by your liver. However, there's more studies to be done before this particular soluble fibre benefit can be confirmed.

Evidence suggests that more than 11g of beta-glucan from oats can lower bad cholesterol by up to 14.5 percent. Meanwhile, an average serving of Elkris Super-Oat afro-dish contains not less than 20g of beta-glucan.

buy one cartoon 12,000 an get 2 sachets free
one sachet cost 1200

FOR MORE DETAIL CALL:  0810525803,08032701904